ODOT-2011-03 - Land Titles Act - Forms

I, Katherine M. Murray, Director of Titles, hereby order that:

In the Matter of the Land Titles Act , R.S.O. 1990, c.L.5 and regarding the name and location of forms under Ontario Regulation 430/11 and Ontario Regulation 690 of R.R.O. 1990:

  1. The consent referenced in subsection 2 (4) of Ontario Regulation 430/11 shall be in the form entitled “Consent and Waiver of Notice (Application for First Registration) (under Clause 3 (4) (b) of Reg. 690 of the Land Titles Act )” located on the Government of Ontario website.
  2. The certificate referenced in subsection 2 (11) of Ontario Regulation 430/11 shall be in the form entitled “Certificate of First Registration as Owner (Under Clause 6 (2) (x) of Reg. 690 under the Land Titles Act )” located on the Government of Ontario website.
  3. The affidavit referenced in subsection 3 (2) of Ontario Regulation 430/11 and required by subsection 5 (1) of Regulation 690 and the evidence referenced in subsection 14 (1) of Ontario Regulation 430/11 shall be in the form entitled “Affidavit in Support of Application for a Caution or for an Inhibiting Order (Under Sections 23, 43 and 131 of the Land Titles Act )” located on the Government of Ontario website.
  4. The bond referenced in subsections 4 (1) and 17 (1) of Ontario Regulation 430/11 and required by subsection 7 (1) of Regulation 690 shall be in the form entitled “Bond to Indemnify the Land Titles Assurance Fund (Under Section 55 of the Land Titles Act )” located on the Government of Ontario website.
  5. The covenant referenced in subsections 4 (1) and 17 (1) of Ontario Regulation 430/11 and required by subsection 7 (1) of Regulation 690 shall be in the form entitled “Covenant to Indemnify the Land Titles Assurance Fund (Under Section 55 of the Land Titles Act )” located on the Government of Ontario website.
  6. The notice referenced in subsection 4 (3) of Ontario Regulation 430/11 shall be in the form entitled “Notice of Discontinuance of Application for First Registration (Under Subsection 10 (4) of Reg. 690 of the Land Titles Act )” located on the Government of Ontario website.
  7. The application referenced in section 6 of Ontario Regulation 430/11 shall be in the form entitled “Application to Register Notice of an Unregistered Estate, Right, Interest or Equity (Under Section 71 of the Land Titles Act )” located on the Government of Ontario website.
  8. The application referenced in section 7 of Ontario Regulation 430/11 and required by subsection 17 (1) of Regulation 690 shall be in the form entitled “Application to Register Judgment or Order (Under Section 17 of Reg. 690 of the Land Titles Act )” located on the Government of Ontario website.
  9. The application referenced in section 10, paragraph 1 of Ontario Regulation 430/11 shall be in the form entitled “Application for Registration of Notice of Lease or Notice of Agreement for a Lease (Under Subsection 111 (1) of the Land Titles Act )” located on the Government of Ontario website.
  10. The notice referenced in section 10, paragraph 2 of Ontario Regulation 430/11 shall be in the form entitled “Application for Registration of a Notice of an Interest in a Lease (Under Subsection 111 (6) of the Land Titles Act )” located on the Government of Ontario website.
  11. The application referenced in section 11 of Ontario Regulation 430/11 shall be in the form entitled “Application to Register Condition, Restriction or Covenant (Under Section 118 or 119 of the Land Titles Act )” located on the Government of Ontario website.
  12. The affidavit referenced in subsection 12 (3) of Ontario Regulation 430/11 and required by section 37 of Regulation 690 shall be in the form entitled “Affidavit in Support of Survivorship Application (Under Section 123 of the Land Titles Act )” located on the Government of Ontario website.
  13. The withdrawal referenced in subsection 13 (2) of Ontario Regulation 430/11 shall be in the form entitled “Withdrawal of Caution (Under Subsection 129 (7) of the Land Titles Act )” located on the Government of Ontario website.
  14. The application referenced in subsection 14 (1) of Ontario Regulation 430/11 shall be in the form entitled “Application for Inhibiting Order (Under Section 23 of the Land Titles Act )” located on the Government of Ontario website.
  15. The notice referenced in section 16 of Ontario Regulation 430/11 shall be in the form entitled “Notice of Change of Address for Service (Under Land Titles Act )” located on the Government of Ontario website.
  16. The application referenced in subsection 17 (2) of Ontario Regulation 430/11 shall be in the form entitled “Application for Payment of Compensation out of the Land Titles Assurance Fund (Under Subsection 57 (6) of the Land Titles Act )” located on the Government of Ontario website
  17. The notice referenced in subsection 17 (4), paragraph 1 of Ontario Regulation 430/11 shall be in the form entitled “Notice of Determination of Liability of the Land Titles Assurance Fund (Under Subsection 57 (8) of the Land Titles Act )” located on the Ministry’s internal knowledge management website.
  18. The certificate referenced in subsection 17 (4), paragraph 2 of Ontario Regulation 430/11 shall be in the form entitled “Certificate of Amount Payable out of the Land Titles Assurance Fund (Under Subsection 57 (11) of the Land Titles Act )” located on the Ministry’s internal knowledge management website.
  19. The acknowledgement and release referenced in subsection 17 (4), paragraph 3 of Ontario Regulation 430/11 shall be in the form entitled “Acknowledgment and Release (Under Subsection 64.1 (3) of Reg. 690 of Land Titles Act )” located on the Government of Ontario website.
  20. The application referenced in section 18, paragraph 1 of Ontario Regulation 430/11 shall be in the form entitled “Application for Financial Assistance from the Land Titles Assurance Fund (Under Subsection 56 (1) of the Land Titles Act )” located on the Government of Ontario website.
  21. The direction referenced in section 18, paragraph 2 of Ontario Regulation 430/11 shall be in the form entitled “Direction of the Director of Titles (Under Subsection 56 (2) of the Land Titles Act )” located on the Ministry’s internal knowledge management website.

Effective this 1st day of September, 2011

Dated at Toronto, this 1st day of September, 2011

Original signed by:

Katherine M. Murray
Director of Titles