
The National Conference of Commissioners on Uniform State Laws (NCCUSL) is now in its 116th year. The organization comprises more than 300 lawyers, judges and law professors, appointed by the states as well as the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands, to draft proposals for uniform and model laws on subjects where uniformity is desirable and practicable, and work toward their enactment in legislatures. The Conference’s website may be found at www.nccusl.org

About the Uniform Securities Act

Welcome to the Uniform Securities Act (2002) website. The NCCUSL has turned to the topic of state securities laws three times in its 113 year history, most successfully in 1956 with a Uniform Securities Act that was substantially enacted in thirty-seven states. The Uniform Securities Act (2002) replaces both the 1956 and the 1985 Uniform Acts and is a carefully balanced result of four years of intensive consideration and drafting. It reflects the consensus support from most representatives of the broad array of government and private sector interests that participated in the process. It has thus far been endorsed by the North American Securities Administrators Association(NASAA), the Securities Industry Association (SIA), the American Bar Association (ABA), ABA Business Law and Litigation Sections, Investment Counsel Association of America (ICAA), National Association of Securities Dealers (NASD), New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), the Investment Counsel Association of America (ICAA), and, most recently, the Certified Financial Planner Board of Standards.

The USA is now enacted in Missouri, Oklahoma, Idaho, South Dakota, Iowa, Kansas, the US Virgin Islands, South Carolina, Maine, Vermont, Minnesota. Hawaii and Indiana. It is pending in District of Columbia, Georgia, and Michigan.

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