Facebook Email icon An envelope. It indicates the ability to send an email.
Email Twitter icon A stylized bird with an open mouth, tweeting.
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LinkedIn Link icon An image of a chain link. It symobilizes a website link url.
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Save Article Icon A bookmarkLike most cell phones, your iPhone provides the option to allow its users to keep tabs on their phone call history.
This can be helpful if you forget to save a phone number and you need to check the call history so you can locate the number and add it to your contacts.
You can also check the time and date of the call if you don't quite remember when you called someone — and delete one, more, or all of your calls to hide history or clear space.
Here's how to do it.
Advertisement1. Open the Phone app on your iPhone.
2. Tap on the Recents tab in the bottom menu – it will take you to your recent phone call history.
3. Scroll through your phone calls to review your call history.
Advertisement1. Open the Phone app on your iPhone.
2. Tap the Recents tabs in the bottom menu.
3. Tap the info icon – the lowercase "i" button inside a circle – to the right of an individual call to see more details.
Quick tip: To find out how long the call was on your iPhone, look in the box under the phone number or contact name.
If you want to save the phone number in your contacts, viewing the individual call through the info icon will provide you with the option to create a new contact, add it to an existing contact, send them a message, block them, and more.
Advertisement1. Open the Phone app on your iPhone.
2. Tap Recents in the bottom menu.
3. Tap Edit in the top right corner of the screen.
4. Press the red button located on the left side of each phone number in your Recents screen.
5. The contact or phone will slide to the left, revealing the Delete button. Tap it.
Advertisement1. Open the Phone app on your iPhone.
2. Tap the Recents tab in the bottom menu.
Quick tip: Make sure you've selected the All tab at the top of the screen.
3. Tap Edit in the top right corner of the screen.
4. Tap Clear in the top left corner of the screen.
5. Tap Clear All Recents to delete the entire list of recent outgoing and incoming calls will be erased.